
Im just being random. Enjoy listening to France song!!

I'll be away from blogging.
seriously, i'm hooked to games whenever i on my com now.
& yea tomorrow is 1st Ramadhan.
I am so looking forward into that month.
To all muslims LETS FAST.
May Allah blessed you.

what we could have been, 8:16 AM.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Today's language: Malay&English. haha. maut.

Okay, hari ni is so lethargic day for me. Cuaca very panas and i think i nak dekat sakit. Body mcm seram sejuk gitu. I end school around 2pm tadi. FPE practical was cancelled. Otw back home mcm drag giler. Sigh. Balik rumah macam takde life gitu. Mandi then on computer surf FACEBOOK! haha. Apelagi, mcm biase arh babe, go facebook main game!!

Hahahaha! u know, till my mom called me "nanti kau jadi TONGONG baru tau, makan je tu computer". LOL. i diam je, continue with my facebook. Hmmm. Alamak, my body doesnt feel good now. i rase because lack of rest. 8-10august, i was out from home. berambu sampai balek pagi je.

On 8th, i had a short date with this mamat age 17 tahun. LOL. Date skejap je, and then katenye he's going "HOLIDAY" and said must be back home before 8pm. Pale pantat lu. damn boy, i know u were lying from the start. Tu pasal gua malas nak layan. Ade hati nak tipu with me. i know people's who's lying or not. Air muka lu, i boleh baca la. Nasib baik i understanding tau, i tak protest muka lu. I know you are still young. maseh adek-adek nak cari pompuan Jambu air batu. haha. kimak. Nevertheless im not sad either, macam biasa lepas tu i cari members for gaying la. senang cerita.

on the 9th, i had tahlil moyang i. mcm nak rak i tolong kat dapur. this coming weekend my arwah adik punye 100th tahlil. hmm. my energy nak kene reload la ni..

on 10th, i jumpe my bekas TTM! alahaii.. i tengok muka dia.. cair betol!! haha siak je aku ni. he drove all the way frm bukit panjang to my house. so yah.. pass him the thing, and.. bla-bla-bla. hehe. and then when to meet Darling Ayu:)

Today's school mcm nothing gitu. hmm. hope tmrw wont happen like today. Tak happening la sei. haha. ouh yea Darling Fina, dont foregt on thurs! nak datingggggggg!! hehe. k la see ya bloggy.

Oklah i nak continue main game in facebook. ciaoooo.

Pet Society

Roller Coaster Kingdom


ps, nak clubbing boleh?

Together with love,
nadee PUNTO! hehe.

what we could have been, 12:38 AM.

Nip Tuck♥
15 October 1990.
im Bulbous.
Indie Reggae NewWave rocks.
peace & freedom is love♥.

soul meet soul on lover's lips.

"A person's appearance doesn't count.What counts is their heart inside of them and their personality. No one wants to be told they're not good enough..."

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